
Unix basics

This is my cheetsheet for all things Unix. I use it to keep track of useful things I learn and want to remember.


  • A process is a running instance of a program.

  • Everything is a fiele (the keyboard is read-only, the screen write only)

  • man <command> opens the manual for <command>.

  • man -k <search term> lists all commands with <search term> in the manual pages.

Stuff I use often and tend to forget

  • Creating a soft link: ln -s <file> <link>. If you use . for <link>, a link with the same name as <file> will be created in the current location.

  • Renaming multiple files: rename 's/<pattern to replace>/<new pattern>' [files]. For example, to replace foo with bar in all Python files, use rename 's/foo/bar/' *.py. Notice that the string command passed is a vim substitution pattern.

  • Copying and pasting from and to the clipboard: pbcopy and pbpaste allow you to copy from and paste to the terminal. I often use pwd | pbcopy to get a directory path for use elsewhere, and pbpaste > .gitignore to create a gitignore file from a template (e.g. from

  • Using the test utility: Use [[ condition ]] instead of [ condition ]. They are both test utilities, but the former is an extension of the latter that’s supported in all shells I’d ever use (see here).

  • Moving current process to background: use ctrl-z to move current job to background, jobs to list running background jobs, and fg <job id> to move job to foreground.

Bash scripting

  • ' and ": single quotes are used to interpret all content literally, while double quotes allow for variable substitution. For example, echo '$PATH' will print $PATH, while echo "$PATH" will print the value of $PATH.

  • $( command ): saves command output into a variable. For example, myvar=$(ls) will save the output of ls into myvar.

  • export var: makes var available to child process. For example, export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin will add /usr/local/bin to the PATH variable.

  • let var=expr: assigns result of expression to a variable. For example, let var=5+5 will assign 10 to var.

  • expr: prints result of expression. For example, expr 5 + 5 will print 10.

  • $(( expression )): returns the result of expression. For example, echo $(( 5 + 5 )) will print 10.

  • Create a basic function in bash:

function_name () {


  • Three actions: r (read), w (write), x (execute).

  • Three types of users: owner or user (u), group (g), and others (o). (a) applies to all types.

  • Permission info is 10 characters long: first character is file type (- for file, d for directory), the remaining ones are rwx permissions for owner, group, and others, with letter indicating permission on, hyphen indicating permission off.

  • Changing persmission: chmod <user type><add or remove><permission type>. User type defaults to a. Example: chmod g+w adds write permission for group, chmod u-x removes execute permission for owner, chmod a+rwx grants all permission to everyone. chmod stands for change file mode bits.

  • Shortcuts: Remember the following:

  • This is useful because we can use the binary numbers to refer to rwx and the Octal ones as shortcuts (e.g. 5 is r-x). Further using the order of users as ugo, and using one Octal shortcut for each user, we can quickly set permissions for all users (e.g. 753 is rwxr-x-wx).

  • Directory permissions: r means you can read content (e.g. do ls), w means you can write (e.g. create files or subdirectories), and x means you can enter (e.g. cd).


  • The shebang character sequence (#!) is used in the first line of a script to specify the interpreter that executes the commands in the script.

  • There are two options, well explained here (and also, a bit more elaborately, here: one is the specify the absoute path to the interpreter (#!/bin/zsh), the other is to use the env utility to search for the specified interpreter in all directories in the $PATH variable and use the first occurrence that is found (#!/usr/bin/env zsh).

  • The second option trades security for portability and is what most people seem to recommend. So this is what I use most of the time.

Command-line utilities

Getting help


  • Displays and formats the on-line manual pages.

  • Invoke by typing man followed by the name of the command you want to know more about.


  • Displays and formats the entire documentation of a command.



  • A command-line fuzzy finder that filters the results from a given input based on additional user input.

  • For example, ls | fzf will display all files in the current directory and subdirectories, and then filter the results based on the user input.

  • By default, it searches for files from the current directories.

  • Advanced example uses here.

  • I have created shortcuts that allow me to search and preview (with bat) all files in the current directory and subdirectories with fp (“file preview”), and do the same but then open the selected file with nvim with fv (“file vim”).

grep and rg

  • Searches for a pattern in a file or files.

  • To find all markdown files in the current directory and subdirectories that contain the word “python”:

grep -r --inlcude="*.md" "python" .
  • rg is a faster alternative to grep.

find and fd

  • find is a command-line utility that searches for files in a directory hierarchy.

  • fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.

File manipulation


  • A programming language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool (it takes its name from the initials of its three creators).

  • It is a standard feature of most Unix-like operating systems, and particularly useful for processing text files.

  • It operates on a line-by-line basis and splits each line into fields.

  • For example, to print the first and second fields of each line of a file:

awk '{print $1, $2}' file.txt


  • Sorts lines of text files.

  • For example, to sort the lines of a file in reverse order:

sort -r file.txt


  • Filters adjacent matching lines from input.

  • For example, to print only unique lines of a (sorted) file:

uniq file.txt


  • Concatenates files and prints on the standard output.

  • For example, to print the contents of a file:

cat file.txt


  • A stream editor for filtering and transforming text.

  • It reads text, line by line, from standard input and modifies it according to an expression, before outputting it again.

  • For example, to replace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” in a file:

sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt
  • To remove the first line of the input file:
sed -i '1d' file.txt

Process management


  • ps stands for “process status” and, by default, shows all processes with controlling terminals.



  • Evaluates the arguments as a shell command.

  • For example, to run the command ls -l:

eval ls -l
  • This is useful when you want to run a command that is stored in a variable:
cmd="ls -l"
eval $cmd


  • Compares files line by line.


  • A command-line utility that reads data from standard input and executes a command separately for each element in the input (by default, elements are separated by blanks).

  • For example, to create directories ‘one’, ’two’, and ’three’:

echo "one two three" | xargs mkdir
  • Or, to delete all files in the current directory and subdirectories that contain the word “python”:
grep -r --inlcude="*.md" "python" . | xargs rm

Custom scripts

  • To practice the use of the command-line utilities, I have created a few custom scripts that I use on a regular basis.

  • They are stored in my dotfiles repo.

Kill processes by name

  • Inspired by this post, I create a script to easily kill processes by name.
# A simple script to kill a process by name. Use [tab] to select 
# multiple processes and press [enter] to kill them or [esc] to cancel.

local pid=$(ps -e | sed 1d | fzf -m --header='[kill:process]' | awk '{print $1}')

if [[ -n "$pid" ]]
  echo $pid | xargs kill
  echo "No process selected"
  • The script saves all selected processes in the variable pid and then kills them.

  • $( expression ) saves the output of the entire expression in the variable pid.

  • ps -e lists all processes (by default, only processes with controlling terminals are shown, so the -e flag is passed to show all processes).

  • sed 1d removes the first line of the output (which contains the column names).

  • fzf -m --header='[kill:process]' displays all processes in a fuzzy finder and allows the user to select multiple processes.

  • awk '{print $1}' prints the first column of the output (which contains the process ids).

  • The test condition evaluation utility [[ is used to check if the variable pid is not empty. This is achieved using the -n flag, which returns true if length of the following string is non-zero (see man test).

  • echo $pid | xargs kill passes the selected process ids to the kill command one by one.
