
Clean code

An evolving set of principles I try to adhere to

When people look under the hood, we want them to be impressed by the neatness, consistency, and attention to detail […] If instead they see a scrambled mass of code that looks like it was written by a bevy of drunken sailors, then they are likely to conclude that the same inattention to detail pervades every other aspect of the project. Robert Martin, Clean Code


  • A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a frequently occuring problem.

  • An idiom is the translation of a design pattern into code using the language clearly and correctly.


  • Don’t repeat yourself. Collect often used pieces of code in a function of class for reuse. Don’t copy and paste more than once.

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): a class or module should only have a single reason to change – it should be responsible to a single actor that can demand change. Example: an employee class that produces outputs for the finance and HR departments violates the principle, as both the CFO and the CHO might demand changes that then unintenionally affects the output seen by the other. Solution: Separate code that different actors depend on. Corollary: don’t reuse a function for two different outputs just because it does they require the same task, only reuse the function for two outputs that require the same task and have a common owner. Example, don’t if both HR and finance need to calculate regular hours, don’t use the same function, as the CFO might want to change the definition of regular hours but HR doesn’t.

  • Open-Closed Principle (OCP): classes should be open for extension and closed for modification. (We should easily be able to add new functionality without having to change existing functionality.)

  • Use names to make the context explicit (e.g. “for user in users” is explicit, “for i in list” isn’t).

  • Get to proof of concept asap.

  • “You ain’t gonna need it” (YAGNI). Don’t add functionality before it’s really necessary.


  • Choose names that make clear what a thing is, what it does, and how it is used.

  • Use plain and unabbreviated words.

  • Omit needless words like “get” or “calculate”, but remember that “terseness and obscurity are the limits where brevity should stop”.

  • Use verbs or verb phrases for functions, nouns for classes.

  • Choose names of variables in proportion to their scope.

  • Whenever appropriate, use names from the solution domain (e.g. computer or data science) or the problem domain (e.g. personal finance) otherwise.


  • Functions should do one thing and one thing only and should do it well. (It’s not always obvious what “one thing” is, use your judgement.)

  • Make functions as short as possible to make it obvious how they work and what they are for.

  • Most often, blocks inside flow control statements should be one line long - calls to transparently named functions.

  • A good function interface allows the user to do what they need without having to worry about unnecessary details. Hence: ask for the minimally required number of intuitive arguments and return the expected output.

  • Write pure functions. A function is pure when it is idempotent (returns the same output for a given input) and has no side-effects.

Comments and docstrings

  • Don’t comment bad code – rewrite it.

  • Add docstrings to functions unless – following Google – they are helpers, short and obvious.


  • Use the module.function idiom (i.e. use import module rather than from module import function) in all but the simplest projects.


  • Kent Beck’s four rules for a simply designed system (in order or importance):

    • It runs all tests

    • Contains no duplication

    • Expresses the intent of the programmer (choose expressive names, keep functions and classes small, use standard nomenclature, good unit tests)

    • Minimises the number of classes and methods
